Community leaders
Essentials of an effective online community
This community comprises educators who wish to advance the teaching of applications and modelling through professional conversations and providing resources helpful in building the knowledge, understanding and practice of the teaching mathematics in this area.
Community Leaders contribute by leading activities in the community program. The Math in Action community hub is the Forum. Community Leaders can initiate a topic for discussion, provide a resource for review or illustrate examples of best practice. The community members will respond and determine the nature of the activity that is relevant and valuable to them. An effective online community has a diversity of member expertise, experience and perspectives.
So a Community Leader can be anyone who wishes to initiate, support or celebrate achievements or pathways to advance the teaching of mathematics.
Interested in being a Community Leader but would like further information about what you can offer? Contact the team at Connect with Maths Your community needs you :-)
Community Leaders
The founding members and Community Leaders are specialists in primary and secondary mathematics including those from schools, universities, Departments of Education, not-for–profit organisations and research organisations. Consider joining the team.
Craig Bauling
Wolfram Research
Steve Broderick
Teacher, St Ursula's, Toowoomba, QLD
Jill Brown
Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Victoria
Executive - The International Community of Teachers of Mathematical Modelling and Applications
Alistair Carr
Senior Lecturer in the School of Applied Science (retired)
Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching
Author: Practical applications of mathematics (PAM) ~ Alistair Carr and Peter Galbraith
Mary Coupland
Senior Lecturer, School of Mathematical Sciences
Director, School of Mathematical Sciences
University of Technology Sydney, NSW
Peter Galbraith
Educator, prolific author, research in Mathematics, practical applications and modelling
Past President of International Applications and Modelling Association
(Previous) Honorary Professor of Education, University of Queensland
Vincent Geiger
Associate Professor and Deputy Head of School (Research) Australian Catholic University, Brisbane
Deputy Director, Mathematics Teaching and Learning Research Centre, ACU
Helen Haralambous
Education Consultant, Mathematical Association of Victoria
Professional Learning, Mathematica, in partnership with Victorian DEECD
Anthony Harradine
Director Potts-Baker Institute, Prince Alfred College, South Australia
Active contributor to the AAMT discussion lists
Barry Kissane
Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Murdoch University, Western Australia
David Leigh Lancaster
Curriculum Manager, Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority
Ian Lowe
Education Consultant, Mathematical Association of Victoria
Maths text author
Alastair Lupton
Coordinator of Mathematics and the Sciences, Le Fevre High School, SA
Rob Money
Mathematical Assocation of Victoria
Michael O'Connor
Schools Outreach Manager, Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute
Dianne Rundus
Mathematical Association of Western Australia, WA
Primary Mathematics specialist
Gloria Stillman
Australian Catholic University, Ballarat, Victoria
President, The International Community of Teachers of Mathematical Modelling and Applications
Ross Turner
Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER)
Mathematics Assessment and Research
Australian Representative for the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications Project (CoMAP)
Bronwyn Welch
President of the Canberra Maths Association (CMA)
CSIRO – Mathematicians in Schools
Michael Wheal
Mathematics Educator, South Australia
Conrad Wolfram
Strategic director of Wolfram Research
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